Hop Growing in Sauk County

Did you know that Wisconsin’s proud brewing traditions were at one time centered here in Sauk County Wisconsin? The conditions of soil and climate were found to be well adapted […]
Most Famous Ringling Performers Ever?

Most Famous Ringling Performers Ever? Undoubtedly two of the most famous — and most tragic — circus aerialists, were Lillian Leitzel (1892 – 1931) and Alfredo Codona (1893 – 1937). […]
Baraboo Cocoa Crawl 2019

Purchase your $2 tickets to Delectable Drinks and Family Fun!This is a BRING YOUR OWN MUG EVENT! Or you can purchase a souvenir unbreakable cocoa mug at Becka Kates for […]
The Houses that George Built—an Isenberg Retrospect

A few years ago, Margie Isenberg Abel stopped in Baraboo on a trip through Wisconsin, and that trip piqued her interest about her family’s links to Sauk County history. She […]

The Charles Ringling Estate was pretty high tech in it’s time, it was made to be a self sustaining estate. It had a barn with a chicken coop, carriage […]
Phox Video

Check out this new video, done by the Grand Marshals of the coming Circus Parade this Saturday in Baraboo: Baraboo’s own folk music group PHOX! All video […]
The story of the seven brothers…Ringling History

Music Room Mirror

We received a very special gift today. The gilded mirror that originally went over the fireplace mantle in the music room at the Ringling House Bed & Breakfast, […]
First Customers Today!

So today, our first customers arrived, as wide eyed as we did when we first did our walk through with the house! We have been working really hard to get […]
Open July 10th!

Our tentative open date was June 15th, which has come and gone. Oh boy, what a journey! We will have three rooms open on July 10th, with finishing […]